missing Histories: Bangwa Queen

By Radikal Queen

Photo Credit: Musée Dapper, Paris (3343)

At first I was gonna try a gimmick

To force you to see me

I was gonna ask the able-bodied present to stand

while I sit

for a few minutes

In order to communicate the essence

of different perspectives.

For instance: if the rapist flings some coins

from the stolen purse

back at their victim

is that the same thing

as philanthropy? or remorse?

If not, why is the money coming back to Africa from violent, military, western regimes called ‘aid’?

"rapist flings some coins"
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The Future of the Global Economy | Dambisa Moyo, International Economist
"From The Stolen Purse
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Myth 6: Africa needs our help
"back at their victim
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The Utilization of Western NGOs for the Theft of Africa's Vast Resources
"money coming back to Africa from violent, military, western regimes called ‘aid’"?
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Africa is not poor, we are stealing its wealth
"social contract to deny your autonomy"
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The Racial Contract
bullshit of several centuries
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How Europe Underdeveloped Africa. Walter Rodney 1973
"forced 'donations' from Black & Brown nations"
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The British Museum is full of stolen artifacts

In the end, I decided it’s futile to try and convince someone of your human status

if they have already made a social contract

to deny your autonomy.

If they’ve been trained to dehumanise you.

You see: missing histories present as invisible disabilities

within modern imperialist society.

But I only have a few minutes to discuss the bullshit of several centuries, to  speak of the dishonesties

that are consistently swept under this particular (Probably Kashmiri) rug.

So let’s talk British heritage, eh?

British heritage places that which was freely commissioned and given alongside the forced ‘donations’ from Black and Brown nations.

And these involuntary extractions continue to this day


and are justified


by the prestigious institutions that see work from people who look like me

as “inspiration”,


whilst simultaneously dismissing and denigrating us,


All while we are imitated.


"involuntary extractions"
Read More for Context
Stealing Africa: How Britain looted the continent’s art | History | Al Jazeera
"prestigious instiutions"
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Western museums need to return stolen artifacts to 'get on the right side of history,' says art historian | Department of African American Studies

My evidence?

Oh well. In this room alone

I count at least three organisations and people

who have appropriated the fruit of my creative womb

to benefit a non-Black congregation.

They just snatched up my ideas in the interview or meeting

and passed them off as their own.

My bright birds are now embalmed and enthroned within the grey palace

of their new owners’ lacklustre imaginations

Some of these are now famous AND appropriated.


Read More for Context
Part One: Ethnic Minority? No, Global Majority. – Media Diversified
Read More for Context
BAME: A report on the use of the term and responses to it Terminology Review for the BBC and Creative Industries
"that erases my blackness"
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How black women were whitewashed by art - BBC Culture
"and allows everyone else
Read More for Context
The Erasure Of Black Women’s Contributions: From Past To Present
"anonymous inspiration"
Read More for Context
Unmasking Adrienne Fidelin: Picasso, Man Ray, and the (In)Visibility of Racial Difference



I partly blame the BAME-ness



the BAME. an imposed label 



that erases my Blackness



and allows everyone else


full access and permission to profit from my voice, and my Ways.




When you are mere anonymous ‘inspiration’, your skilled iridescence

is seen as a non-sentient manifestation of Beingness.

Like an unschooled sunset bursting with free beauty.





free booty.


Like the one you call ‘Bangwa Queen’, complete with scare quotes,

because how could SHE be royalty?

AND you think she is just a ‘figurine’!


Man Ray, Untitled (c.1933)

Photo Credit: Musée Dapper, Paris (3343)​

Her real name is Ngwindem, meaning: ‘most high priestess of god’.

We in fact already told you this,

but we aren’t counted as real people by your limited scholars.


"told you"
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Audio Recordings - Chief. DN Fobellah

Ngwindem is the embodiment of an ancestor goddess who lived among us.

She rested in the Grasslands kingdoms of a nation neighbouring my own people in Central Africa, the Mbetu.

"deceitful German scientists"
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Fontem Asonganyi, Gustav Conrau and the Bangwa Resistance
'ethnographic artefact'
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Gustav Conrau’s Cameroon ColleCtion in the Berlin ethnoloGi- Cal museum
"stole her, and sent her back to his european museum"
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A Look at Africa’s Stolen Artefacts – Ibiene Magazine
"and allows everyone else
Read More for Context
The Erasure Of Black Women’s Contributions: From Past To Present
"granted access to Agonyi's kingdom"
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Conrau in Cameroon
"Golden Bough"
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The Golden Bough - Wikipedia
"lie of racial superiority"
Read More for Context
Social Darwinism in the Gilded Age (article) | Khan Academy



Then the deceitful german scientist 


who first called her an ‘ethnographic artefact’ stole her, 


and sent her back to his european museum.



His team took advantage of those five days they were graciously invited


and granted access to Agonyi’s kingdom.


They looted temples and stately houses and all without shame!



Hai! Is THIS your civilisation??


With regards to heritage, the relevance  is that we are seen by imperialist academics


as unevolved hominids


and this belief that spouts uncontested from the Golden Bough



Of western european  invention

 bolsters their lie of racial superiority.



I say they are culturally invested

in our creative degradation.

So the kidnapped Ngwindem was renamed as your Bangwa Queen

and in the 30s was seen as ‘primitive art’,

then through Man Ray‘s modernist camera lens and borrowed perspective

she was re-introduced in the 50s

to represent western ideas of savage, and unthinking sexual expression.

He saw this as THE defining aspect of African womanity, of our womanness.

"Man Ray's"
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Man Ray, African Art And The Modernist LensAt The Phillips Collection - Antiques And The Arts WeeklyAntiques And The Arts Weekly
"borrowed perspective"
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"western ideas of savage, and unthinking sexual expression"
Read More for Context
'Keep that Same Energy Sis': An Exploration of Black Women's Use of Offline Resistance Strategies
"He saw this as THE defining aspect of African womanity"
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In the Beginning Was Woman
"of our womaness"
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Man Ray, Helena’s Statue “The Bangwa Queen” 1937
Man Ray Photo Article
"the most expensive example of
African art on the planet"
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Photo Source: The New York Times, National
edition, Auctions, Rita Reif, Feb 1990
$3.4-Million Sculpture Sale Sets Record for African Art : Auction: Some items in a Beverly Hills collection bring as much as 10 times their pre-sale estimates during brisk bidding at Sotheby's in New York. - Los Angeles Times
"previous creative enslavers"
Read More for Context
The Bangwa Queen: Interpretations, Constructions, and Appropriations of Meaning of the Esteemed Ancestress Figure from the Cameroon Grassfields
"stolen treasures"
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Top 5 Treasures Stolen From Africa By Colonialists - Opera News
"demanding transparency in lieu of colonial lies"
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To Protest Colonialism, He Takes Artifacts From Museums - The New York Times
"desire to topple Nelson's column"
Read More for Context
Nelson, BLM and new voices: why Barbados is ditching the Queen



And Ngwindem has been sold so many times

that she has been declared the most expensive example of African art

on the planet


but not due to her inherent value or beauty.

It is because of the illustrious reputations of all of her previous creative enslavers.


Now I have


What does it mean

that British museums

define British culture

as the accumulated weight

of stolen treasures?


Why is it that demanding transparency

in lieu of colonial lies

is interpreted as the desire

to topple Nelson’s column?


The column is fine, just make sure that little paper plaque

also tells us that he was an enthusiastic white supremacist.


The evidence shows

That he fully supported the enslavement of Black people in concentration camps

in the Caribbean.


Nelson counted the depraved serial rapists who ran those accursed plantations

amongst some of his closest friends.



You see: this is the true legacy
Of the brutish empire.


And yeah. I know why you were not taught this.

Your truth hurts.

"enslavement of Black people in concentration camps"
Read More for Context
Fara Dabhoiwala · My Runaway Slave, Reward Two Guineas: Tools of Enslavement · LRB 23 June 2022
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The Interest by Michael Taylor review – busting the British slavery myth | Books | The Guardian
"serial rapists"
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Thomas Thistlewood - Wikipedia
"some of his closest friends"
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Horatio Nelson: Turning a blind eye to slavery?
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History The horrible truth about Winston Churchill | Morning Star
"set up concentration camps"
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His Darkest Hour: 12 Times Winston Churchill Was Far From Being a Hero
"selling and buying African bodies like mine"
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Haiti was the first nation to permanently ban slavery - The Washington Post
"seed capital for your industrial revolution"
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The ideological origins of chattel slavery in the British world | National Museums Liverpool
"desire to topple Nelson's column"
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Nelson, BLM and new voices: why Barbados is ditching the Queen
"our heritage"
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DOI | Haiti and the Atlantic World
"ethnographic artifacts"
Read More for Context
The Bangwa Queen: Artifact or Heritage? | International Journal of Cultural Property | Cambridge Core



The fact is that Churchill, like his less celebrated german contemporary


Set up concentration camps for the destruction of African communities


And also that selling and buying African bodies like mine

is how your people stole

the seed capital for your industrial revolution.


It’s time we looked at our heritage within the lens
Of accurate historical context.


Our ethnographic artefacts populate foreign museums,



And this appears to be what I hear being defined

as British heritage.


Surely british identity can do so much better

than this most gruesome aesthetic?



To be honest – I was surprised to be invited to speak here

to sit at this officially sanctioned table.

The likes of me are usually dismembered and served in the cultural buffet, later

while our fates and faces are discussed and decided

by those defined as whiter, I mean wiser, and more objective.

I do not accept this system, or its categorisations

as I have de-centred from a paradigm

that only sees me and mine

as plundered victims

and serves our arses as the main mother-fucking meal.


You can smell it.


But still the servers of my flesh and blood have the nerve

to ask me to hold their hands and IMAGINE

a world of purple people.

Sci-fi revisionism makes the purple people always so positive and see!?

The appointed tokens prove it!

They are the axes fashioned from the brown forest of our peoples

Whose job is to facilitate the cultural devastation, the artistic appropriation, 

All in their roles as the most suitable replacement for our true leaders

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Decentering Whiteness:
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What Does Racism Look Like? Colorblindness - Anti-racism Resources - Research Help at Fitchburg State University
"a world of purple people""
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Kristen Bell accused of glorifying ‘colourblindness’ in children’s book | The Independent
"The appointed tokens"
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The Governments response to the roundly discredited Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities Report Chaired by Dr Tony Sewell has finally been published – Media Diversified
"most suitable replacement for our true leaders"
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61 years later... Belgium finally returns Patrice Lumumba's tooth to family - Voice Online
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Dr. Arikana Chihombori | How France Is Stealing Africa's Wealth | Colonisation Never Stopped!
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Negrophilia - Wikipedia
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Lefem (Royal Ancestor Figure)
"missing Herstory"
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Death-dealing and theft are reframed as capitalism.

Cultural appropriation is re-labelled ‘appreciation’.


The stolen booty is remembered

as one of life’s free donations.


In the end the British definition of heritage will be decided by voices

that will never live within the choices they are speaking on.


And although Ngwindem has been famous for well over 100 years

it appears you still refuse

to say her name.


Missing histories. and within that: another missing Herstory.

Ngwindem! Ngwindem! Ngwindem!
Ancestor goddess, who still breathes.