Donate to The Liliesleaf Trust UK and support the Anti-Apartheid Legacy: Centre of Memory and Learning; your support means a great deal to us.
Did you know that The Liliesleaf Trust UK is a registered Charity? Your support helps us to build the Anti-Apartheid Legacy: Centre of Memory and Learning (CML) at Penton Street, to run our programmes with schools and communities, supports research and the preservation of our unique heritage.
While we have received some public funding, from The National Lottery Heritage Fund and the Mayor of London’s Good Growth Fund, we are still short of our required target to complete the capital redevelopment at Penton Street and to ensure the sustainability of our centre and programming into the future.
30 years after the fall of apartheid in South Africa, Anti-Apartheid Legacy: The Centre of Memory and Learning (CML) is set to open in 2025 at 28 Penton Street – a modest townhouse in Islington, that served as an international HQ for the ANC in exile and a hub for the coordination of anti-apartheid action and solidarity.

It will be the first and only public heritage site to explore this history in Europe – unlocking new learning from one of the most influential, Black-led social histories of the 20th Century and its world-changing impacts for the fall of apartheid in South Africa and anti-racism and equity across the globe.
The spirit, values and legacy of those who strived for freedom, through the stories of Nelson Mandela and Oliver Tambo and of activists from the Anti-Apartheid Movement and the international solidarity movement, as well as those less known, across genders, cultures, religions and borders will be shared and celebrated to educate and empower our future generations.

© Al-Jawad Pike Architects

We need your help to make the CML a reality – without your support we cannot:
- preserve and make publicly accessible a critical heritage site of international relevance
- collect and care for collections of archival materials and oral histories
- facilitate our educational programme of skill-developing and well-being driven activities for contemporary communities, engaging new generations with this history’s empowering potential – onsite and online (for inter/national audiences)
Thank you.