
Freedom Songs: The role of music in the anti-apartheid struggle - PART A

‘Freedom songs’ played an important part in South African anti-apartheid struggle. The use of songs and collective singing into the anti-apartheid struggle built on the wider social role of song in Black South African culture.

Adelaide Tambo and the Politics of Care

The life and political work of Adelaide Tambo, especially during the thirty years she was exiled in London offers an insight into the role of women within the anti-apartheid struggle. In her working life, Adelaide Tambo was a nurse, and she carried a commitment to care into her politics.

Freedom Songs: The role of music in the anti-apartheid struggle - PART B

From the late 1950s, the ANC and their supporters in the international anti-apartheid movement had argued for a cultural boycott of South Africa. The cultural boycott of apartheid South Africa was intended to stop international artists performing in South Africa.

LGBT activists in the struggle

After the end of apartheid, South Africa became the first country in the world to guarantee freedom from discrimination on the grounds of sexuality as a constitutional right.