Evaluation Consultant

Application Closing Date: 15th September 2024

The Liliesleaf Trust UK (TLTU) is seeking an Evaluation Consultant(s) with proven experience of delivering evaluation in a publicly accessible heritage based or cultural focused venue to work with the Anti-Apartheid Legacy: Centre of Memory and Learning Project Team.
The ideal candidate will have proven experience of delivering evaluation for a publicly accessible heritage venue with participatory programming. They will understand best practice for venues that prioritise participatory programming, social justice, inclusion and anti-racism.
They will work with our team from October and until end 2026 to evaluate our project’s outputs and outcomes, as we create Britain’s first Anti-Apartheid Museum. They will evaluate the outputs and outcomes of our project and to explore how these respond to the priorities of our principal project funders, National Lottery Heritage Fund and the Mayor of London’s Good Growth Fund.
For more information about the role and the application process please  download the full brief from this page.
Deadline for applications; 15th September 2024 at 11.59pm.
Download Brief