Four-part podcast series on the history of the British Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM) by the Scottish Centre for Global History (SGH) at the University of Dundee. SCGH editor Paul Feeney talks about how the AAM grew from small beginnings in the 1960s into one of the biggest social movements of the 20th century with historians Dr. Matt Graham (University of Dundee) and Dr. Chris Fevre (University of the Free State). The podcasts also discuss the relevance of anti-apartheid campaigning to contemporary movements for social change. You can listen to the podcasts by following the links below:

Episode 1: “Building the Movement: The Roots of the Anti-Apartheid Movement in Britain”

The roots of anti-apartheid activism in Britain.

Episode 2: “Boycotts for Freedom: The Anti-Apartheid Movement in the 1970s and 1980s”

The growth of the British Anti-Apartheid Movement in the 1970s and 1980s.

Episode 3: “Legacy: The Anti-Apartheid Movement in Public Memory”

The growth of anti-apartheid activism in Britain in the 1980s and its legacy today.

Episode 4: “Beyond Desegregation: The United States Anti-Apartheid Movement”

A bonus episode discussing the growth of anti-apartheid activism in the United States and international activism, with Mattie Webb (University of California).